GCP Interview Questions and Answers

Last updated 18.june.2024

GCP Interview Questions and Answers

Google Cloud Platform, operated by Google, is a cloud-based service encompassing virtual machines, computing, networking, databases, storage, big data, management services, machine learning, and more. These services are utilized across Google’s infrastructure to support end-user products like the Google search engine, Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, and others.


Interview Q&A

Questions 1-10

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Questions 11-20

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Questions 21-30

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Questions 31-40

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Questions 41-50

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Questions 51-60

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Questions 61-70

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Questions 71-80

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Questions 81-90

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Questions 91-100

Interview Q&A

Gcp Interview questions and answersrelated to Processes and Actions

Top 100+ GCP Interview Questions and Answers

Beginners Level

Q1. Define Google Cloud Platform.

A. Google Cloud Platform, operated by Google, is a cloud-based service encompassing virtual machines, computing, networking, databases, storage, big data, management services, machine learning, and more. These services are utilized across Google’s infrastructure to support end-user products like the Google search engine, Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, and others.

Q2. What defines cloud computing?

A. Cloud computing involves the provision of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, software, and intelligence, via the Internet, commonly known as the “cloud.” The term “cloud” refers to servers accessible over the Internet.

A notable aspect of cloud computing services is their global accessibility without geographical constraints. Nearly 90% of the world’s organizations have transitioned from physical data centers to the cloud for their infrastructure.

Q3. Enumerate the key attributes of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

A. Below are the primary features of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) : 

  • GCP facilitates the effortless adjustment of virtual machine resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage, ensuring optimal sizing. This functionality helps users assess whether their machines are appropriately sized.
  • The Google Cloud Shell, integrated into GCP, has many pre-installed tools, enabling users to manage various processes directly from the shell. Notable pre-installed tools comprise Docker, Gradle, npm, nvm, pip, Make, and more.
  • Creating a custom machine type with varying CPU, memory, and storage resources is a straightforward process with GCP.
  • Fault-tolerant and batch jobs incur costs that are less than 70% of the norm due to the presence of virtual machines (VMs).
  • The Cloud SQL feature in GCP automatically monitors database storage availability every 30 seconds, seamlessly adding space as needed, and eliminating concerns about storage limitations.
  • Persistent disk size can be adjusted without downtime, providing flexibility for resizing as necessary.

Q4. Define VPC?

A. VPC, an abbreviation for Virtual Private Cloud, serves as a virtual network that facilitates connectivity for Google Kubernetes Engine clusters, Compute Engine’s VM instances, and various other resources.

  • The VPC offers extensive flexibility in managing the connectivity of workloads, allowing for global or local connections.
  • A single VPC can span multiple regions without the need for communication over the Internet.

Q5. Define the definition of computing?

A. Computing involves the utilization of technology for diverse computations and information processing tasks, encompassing activities such as problem-solving, information analysis, and data storage. The category of computing technology includes software, programming languages, and their interaction with a variety of hardware, including computers and servers.

  • The exploration and development of algorithms, data structures, and other mathematical concepts crucial to computing also fall within this domain.
  • In essence, computing is the application of technology to process data, enhancing the usefulness and significance of information. Its importance spans various domains, including science, business, entertainment, and communication.

Q6. How does cloud computing operate?

A. Cloud computing involves the delivery of computing services—such as servers, storage, libraries, connectivity, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the internet, or “the cloud,” to facilitate rapid innovation, flexible resource allocation, and economies of scale.

The three main categories of cloud computing services are Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Cloud computing is gaining widespread popularity, allowing companies of all sizes to access its numerous advantages, including cost reduction, increased operational efficiency, and the ability to scale resources as needed.

Q7. What are the distinctive features of cloud services?

A. Cloud services, including cloud computing in general, offer a multitude of features, one of which is the seamless accessibility and management of commercial software from any global location. 

Other notable aspects include the centralized administration of software through a single web service, the ability to create web applications that efficiently handle multiple clients worldwide, and the automation of the updating process to eliminate the necessity for manual software upgrade downloads.

Q8. What comprises Google Cloud Platform?

A. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) encompasses a suite of cloud computing services provided by Google, operating on the same internal infrastructure as Google’s consumer products like YouTube and Google Search.

  • GCP offers a comprehensive range of services that empower businesses to develop, launch, and expand applications on Google’s infrastructure. These services span computing, storage, networking, big data, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  • By leveraging a diverse set of tools and services, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) enables users to build, run, and manage their applications and data seamlessly on Google’s infrastructure. These integrated services work collaboratively, providing a flexible and cost-effective solution suitable for companies of all sizes. GCP allows businesses to benefit from the scalability, security, and performance of Google’s infrastructure without the need to invest in and maintain their data centers.

Q9. What advantages does cloud computing provide?

A. Embracing cloud computing offers a myriad of benefits, and we will delve into some of its most notable advantages. The cloud enables swift and effortless deployment, allowing users to start utilizing services and applications promptly. Now, let’s compare AWS Cloud and Google Cloud:

  • Data Centers:

AWS Cloud boasts a larger number of data centers compared to Google Cloud, where the latter has relatively smaller facilities.

  • Market Position:

Both AWS Cloud and Google Cloud stand as three of the top market leaders in the cloud computing industry.

  • Cloud Adoption:

Google Cloud entered the cloud computing scene comparatively later, positioning itself as an early adopter.

Q10. List the widely utilized platforms in large-scale cloud computing.

A. Several platforms play a significant role in supporting large-scale cloud computing, with Google Cloud Platform, Azure, and Amazon Web Services being prominent examples.

Q11. Define the various cloud computing deployment models?

A.    Community cloud

  • Private cloud 
  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

Q12. What components constitute the Google Cloud Platform?

A. The Google Cloud Platform comprises various components, including:

  • Compute Engine on Google
  • Engine for Google Cloud Containers
  • Cloud Storage by Google
  • Cloud App Engine by Google
  • Cloud Dataflow on Google
  • Machine Learning Engine on Google Cloud
  • BigQuery Service on Google
  • Google Cloud Workplace Locator
  • Cloud Endpoints for Google
  • Cloud Test Lab for Google

Q13. What is the role of cloud computing system integrators?

A. Cloud computing involves various intricate components, and system integrators in the cloud play a crucial role in designing and integrating these components to establish a private or hybrid cloud network.

Q14. How do users benefit from Utility Computing?

A. Utility computing offers an on-demand, pay-as-you-go computing service where the provider manages and operates computing resources, allowing users to select the services they need. All these resources are hosted in the cloud.

Q15. Elaborate on the security features provided by the cloud.

A. Key security features offered by the cloud include:

Access control, enabling users to regulate access rights.

Identity Management, authorizing the utilization of application services.

Authorization and Authentication, ensuring that only authenticated users can access data and applications.

Q16. What is Bigtable, and when is it a suitable choice for data storage?

A. Bigtable is a NoSQL database with numerous columns, ideal for applications requiring high-throughput and low-latency access to substantial amounts of semi-structured data. To create a Bigtable instance, consider the following example: my-table cbt create a table.

Q17. Clarify the role of Google Cloud Storage (GCS) and illustrate the process of uploading a file.

A. Google Cloud Storage (GCS) serves as an object storage system designed for the storage and retrieval of any volume of data. To upload a file with Python, employ the blob.upload_from_filename() method:

from google.cloud import storage

client = storage.Client()

bucket = client.get_bucket(‘bucket name)

blob = bucket.blob(‘destination/blob.txt’)


Q18. How does AWS Snowcone and AWS storage devices facilitate data transmission?

A. AWS Snowcone service is employed to collect and process data at the source level, often gathered by sensors and other devices. Subsequently, the data is transferred, either online or offline, to Amazon storage devices such as S3 buckets. Additionally, data sync options enable continuous data transmission to AWS sources. Furthermore, data processed through Amazon EC2 instances is sent to AWS storage devices using the AWS Snowclone service.

Q19. What is the relationship between CloudEndure Disaster Recovery and AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery?

A. CloudEndure Disaster Recovery forms the basis for AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery, and both services share comparable capabilities. They assist in simplifying setup, usage, and recovery procedures for various applications, conduct non-disruptive disaster recovery drills and testing, achieve Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) in days and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs) in seconds, and enable recovery from a prior time.

Q20. How do Amazon RDS and Amazon VPC establish communication?

A. Amazon DB instances can be managed by Amazon EC2 instances in both EC2-VPC and EC2-Classic. Amazon VPC facilitates the creation of Amazon DB instances within a virtual private cloud, providing control over the virtual networking environment. While Amazon RDS oversees software aspects, backups, and automated failure detection and recovery, operating database instances within an Amazon VPC can result in significant cost savings.

Q21. How does Amazon Redshift manage workload separation and adaptability?

A. To achieve read workload isolation, the ETL cluster exchanges data with segregated BI and analytics clusters. Additionally, it allows for optional fee creation to save costs, enabling flexible configuration of the analytic cluster based on budget requirements. This approach facilitates the integration of new workloads with ease.

Q22. How does Amazon ElastiCache enhance caching efficiency?

A. Amazon ElastiCache’s in-memory caching capability contributes to reduced throughput and latency. In-memory caching is particularly advantageous for high-workload applications such as social networking, gaming, and media sharing, enhancing the efficiency of data access. Furthermore, storing crucial data fragments in memory significantly decreases latency.

Q23. How do Amazon VPC Flow Logs and Traffic Mirroring compare?

A. Amazon VPC traffic mirroring enables the monitoring of traffic content, payloads, identification of problem causes, and prevention of data misuse, providing actionable insights into network traffic.

On the other hand, Amazon VPC flow logs furnish information about traffic acceptance and rejections, source and destination IP addresses, packet and byte counts, as well as port details. This aids in addressing security concerns and optimizing network performance.

Q24. How Does Cloud Scheduler Facilitate Task Automation?

A. Cloud Scheduler empowers task automation by initiating tasks at predefined intervals. For instance, consider a job that triggers a Pub/Sub message:

google cloud scheduler jobs create pub sub my-job –schedule=”0 0 * * *” –topic=my-topic –message-body=”Hello, World!”

Top GCP Interview Questions and Answers

Intermediate Level

Q25. What Is Cloud Memory Store, and What Are Its Use Cases?

A. Cloud Memorystore is a fully managed in-memory data storage service designed for storing frequently accessed data. To create a Memory Store instance, follow the example below.

Q26. What Is Cloud Run, and How Does It Operate?

A. Cloud Run is a fully managed container platform that automatically scales applications in response to incoming requests. The following example illustrates how to deploy a containerized application to Cloud Run:

–image=gcr.io/my-project/my-image –platform=managed –region=us-central1 google cloud run deploy my-service

Q27. Explain the role of Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

A. GKE serves as a managed Kubernetes service, streamlining the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. The following example illustrates the configuration of a GKE cluster:

Container clusters in google cloud create my-cluster –number-nodes=3 –zone=us-central1-a

Q28. What Is the Objective of Cloud AutoML?

A. Cloud AutoML is a suite of machine-learning products designed to empower developers with minimal machine-learning experience to train high-quality models. The following example demonstrates the training of a text classification model:

g cloud ai-platform jobs submit training my-training-job –region=us-central1 –module-name=train.py –package-path=./ –job-dir=gs://bucket-name/job-dir – –input-data=gs://bucket-name/input-data

Q29. Explain the role of Cloud Composer?

A. Cloud Composer is a fully managed workflow orchestration service that enables the creation, scheduling, and monitoring of workflows. Below is an example of a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in Cloud Composer:

default_args = ‘owner’:’airflow’, ‘depends_on_past’: False,’start_date’: datetime(2022, 1, 1)

    ’email_on_failure’ is false; ’email_on_retry’ is false.

    ‘retries’: 1;’retry_delay’: timedelta(minutes=5);

DAG =(‘my_dag,’ default_arguments=default_arguments, schedule_interval=timedelta(days=1))

Q30. How to Establish a CDN in GCP?

A. Cloud CDN allows you to cache content at Google’s globally distributed edge caches. Here’s an example of enabling Cloud CDN for a backend service:

g cloud compute backend-services –global –enable-cdn my-backend-service

Q31. How to Set Up a Cloud VPN in GCP?

A. You can establish a VPN tunnel using the gcloud CLI.


vpn-tunnels vpn-tunnels vpn-tunnels vpn-tunnel 



 –shared-secret=shared-secret create my-tunnel

Q32. What Is BigQuery, and How to Utilize It?

A. BigQuery is a serverless, massively scalable data warehouse.

To execute a query using the bq CLI, follow these steps:

bq query ‘SELECT * FROM ‘project-id.dataset.table”

Q33. How to Set Up VPC Peering in GCP?

A. To create a peering connection, utilize the Google Cloud CLI.


compute networks in the cloud peering create 

my-peering –network=my-network –peer-project=peer-project-id 

–peer-network=peer-network –auto-create-routes

Q34. How to Incorporate Google Cloud Platform Services Into Your App?

A. For server-to-server authentication, you can employ a service account key file.

Here’s an example in Python:

credentials are the same as service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file (‘path/to/keyfile.json’, scopes= )) [‘https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform’]

Q35. How to Automate GCP Resource Creation and Management?

A. Utilize Deployment Manager templates, which are YAML or Jinja2 files describing the resources. Below is an example YAML template for creating a VM:

– name: my-vm; compute.v1.instance properties:

    machine type: zones/us-central1-a/machine Types/n1-standard-1 zone: us-central1-a

Q36. What Is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), and How to Configure It?

A. Cloud CDN allows you to cache content at Google’s globally distributed edge caches. Below is an example of enabling Cloud CDN for a backend service:

g cloud compute backend-services –global –enable-cdn my-backend-service

Q37. Clarify the Purpose of Cloud Functions and Illustrate the Creation Process.

A. Cloud Functions are serverless, event-driven functions. Here’s an example of a function triggered by an HTTP request:


hello _world(request):

return ‘Good day, World!’

Q38. How Does Google Cloud Platform Manage Secrets?

A. Cloud Secret Manager is utilized to store and handle sensitive information. Here’s an example of creating a secret:

secrets of google cloud –replication-policy=automatic create my-secret

Q39. Define Google Cloud Composer?

A. Google Cloud Composer is an intuitive platform with features for creating and managing intricate workflows, offering capabilities such as task scheduling, monitoring, and error handling. It proves to be a valuable tool for businesses seeking workflow automation, operational cost reduction, and enhanced efficiency.

Q40. What role does a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) play in GCP?

A. A Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) in GCP is responsible for ensuring the reliability, availability, and performance of GCP services. They employ software engineering principles to design and operate large-scale systems, collaborating closely with developers to enhance overall system architecture.

Q41. Define the Google Cloud AI Platform?

A. The Google Cloud AI Platform is a managed service designed for creating and running machine learning models. With support for popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch, it simplifies the development and deployment of machine learning models. This service facilitates model training, with Google managing the underlying infrastructure, accelerating the process of building and deploying machine learning models.

Q42. Define Google Cloud Memorystore?

A. Google Cloud Memorystore is a service offering fully managed in-memory storage for quick data access. Designed for speed and efficiency, it is ideal for applications requiring rapid data retrieval, particularly beneficial for caching, session management, and analytics.

Q43. Define Google Cloud AutoML?

A. Google Cloud AutoML is a suite of tools that enables the creation of machine learning models without requiring expertise in machine learning. It includes tools for working with images, text, and structured data, making it easier and faster to create machine learning models, even for those with limited experience.

Q44. Define Google Cloud Bigtable?

A. Google Cloud Bigtable is a fully managed NoSQL database service tailored for large-scale applications demanding extensive data storage. It offers scalable and fast storage for analytics, IoT, and machine learning workloads. Bigtable simplifies the handling of massive amounts of data without the need to manage underlying infrastructure, allowing users to focus on application logic.

Q45. Define Google Cloud Armor?

A. Google Cloud Armor is a service designed to safeguard web applications against online attacks using a web application firewall (WAF). It prevents malicious traffic and implements customized security policies, providing protection from cyber threats without the need for users to set up and maintain the infrastructure; Google manages this aspect.

Q46. Define Data Loss Prevention (DLP) in Google Cloud?

A. Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) offers a comprehensive set of pre-built detectors to identify sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial data, and intellectual property. It also provides customization options for creating custom detectors and policy-based actions, making it an effective solution for organizations aiming to protect sensitive data in the cloud.

Q47. Define Google Cloud Deployment Manager?

A. Google Cloud Deployment Manager is a service that automates the deployment and management of cloud resources. It allows users to define infrastructure as code and deploy and manage resources through a simple, declarative language.

Q48. Define Google Cloud Interconnect?

A. Google Cloud Interconnect is a service facilitating the connection of a corporate network to GCP. It offers various connection options, including Dedicated Interconnect, Partner Interconnect, and VPN. Businesses can use Cloud Interconnect to establish faster and more reliable connections to GCP, enabling seamless integration of cloud services with existing resources. Cloud Interconnect supports BGP, VLAN, and IPSec connections.

Q49. What are the different GCP service types?

A. GCP service types encompass Computing, Storage, Networking, and Big Data. GCP’s computing services include virtual machines, containers, and serverless computing. Storage services include databases, object storage, and block storage, while network services comprise VPC, load balancing, and DNS. GCP’s Big Data services facilitate data processing and analytics.

Q50. What are the fundamental concepts of GCP?

A. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) embodies fundamental cloud computing concepts like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). These principles empower businesses to scale, secure, and manage their IT infrastructure efficiently, leveraging the advantages of cloud technology.

GCP Interview Questions and Answers for Google Cloud Students

Advanced Level

Q51. What are the three main GCP principles?

A. The three main GCP principles are:

  • Security: GCP prioritizes data and infrastructure security through advanced measures such as encryption, robust Identity and Access Management (IAM), and compliance certifications.
  • Scalability: GCP enables easy scaling of resources to adapt to varying demands, ensuring cost-efficient flexibility.
  • Flexibility: GCP’s extensive services and tools allow users to configure solutions tailored to their specific needs, promoting versatility and agility in cloud operations.

Q52. What are the three GCP pillars?

A. The three pillars of GCP principles are:

  • Compute: GCP provides virtual machines (VMs) and container orchestration through Google Kubernetes Engine, offering highly adaptable compute resources.
  • Storage: GCP offers scalable storage solutions like Google Cloud Storage and Bigtable for efficient data management, storage, and analysis.
  • Networking: GCP’s robust networking services enable users to build secure, high-performance networks, establishing global connectivity for cross-regional operations.

Q53. What is a GCP diagram?

GCP Architecture

A. A GCP diagram is a visual representation of Google Cloud Platform’s cloud architecture, illustrating the connections and interactions among various GCP services and components. These diagrams aid in planning, designing, and understanding cloud deployments effectively.

Q54. What is the GCP pipeline?

A. A GCP pipeline comprises automated data processing steps using GCP services like Cloud Dataflow or Cloud Composer. These pipelines facilitate the ingestion, transformation, and analysis of data, forming the basis for data processing or ETL workflows. Automation ensures reliable and efficient data management and analysis.

Q55. What is Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)?

A. Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) is Google’s container orchestration system, simplifying the deployment and management of containerized applications on GCP. GKE streamlines application management for developers running applications in the cloud.

Q56. What is Google Cloud SQL?

A. Google Cloud SQL is a fully managed cloud service providing relational databases. It simplifies database setup, maintenance, and management, allowing developers to focus on application development while Google manages the database, enhancing efficiency in running cloud applications.

Q57. Describe Google Cloud Dataflow.

A. Google Cloud Dataflow is a fully managed service facilitating the creation and execution of data processing pipelines. Compatible with real-time and batch modes, it offers a versatile platform for data transformation and processing, based on the Apache Beam framework.

Q58. What is Google Cloud Pub/Sub?

A. Google Cloud Pub/Sub supports various message delivery methods, ensuring ordered message delivery with high throughput and availability. It is a reliable and scalable messaging service, suitable for businesses requiring dependable communication capabilities.

Q59. What are the different cloud architecture layers? Explain.

A. The various cloud architecture layers include:

  • Physical Layer: This layer encompasses objects that exist in the real world and can be managed and controlled, such as physical servers and networks.
  • Platform Layer: The platform layer hosts operating systems, applications, and other services, serving as a platform for deployment and development.
  • Infrastructure Layer: This layer includes storage resources, virtualized servers, and networking components.
  • Application Layer: Directly used by end-users, this layer is scalable and configurable, allowing customers to personalize software with metadata.

Q60. What does "EUCALYPTUS" mean in relation to cloud computing?

A. “EUCALYPTUS” refers to an open-source cloud computing infrastructure, standing for “Elastic Utility Computing Architecture.” It enables developers to quickly and easily create private, public, and hybrid cloud environments, leveraging the benefits of the cloud by setting up their own data center in the cloud.

Q61. What does the term Google Compute Engine refer to?

A. Google Compute Engine is the infrastructure upon which the Google Cloud Platform is built. It allows users to run their virtual machines (Windows or Linux) on Google-hosted Infrastructure as a Service. The operation of virtual machines is facilitated by KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) and long-term storage.

Q62. What are the various methods for authenticating with the Google Compute Engine API?

A. Authentication with the Google Compute Engine API can be achieved through various methods:

  • Using the client library.
  • Through OAuth 2.0 for secure authorization.
  • Easily with an entry token.

Q63. What are the most popular open-source cloud computing platforms?

A. The most popular open-source cloud computing platforms include:

  • OpenStack
  • Mesos
  • Cloud Foundry
  • KVM for Apache.

Q64. Define Platform by Google Cloud?

A. Platform by Google Cloud refers to the cloud-based infrastructure offered by Google Cloud Platform. It encompasses a range of services covering big data, computing, networking, machine learning, virtual machines, and storage. These services leverage the infrastructure used by Google’s consumer products like Gmail, YouTube, and Google Search.

Q65. What benefits does the use of the Google Cloud Platform provide?

A. Utilizing the Google Cloud Platform offers several advantages, including:

  • Cost-effectiveness compared to other cloud service providers.
  • Accessibility of data and information from any location on Google Cloud servers.
  • Superior performance and service in cloud hosting.
  • Quicker and easier updates to servers and security data with Google Cloud.

Q66. What characteristics does the Google Cloud Platform offer?

A. The Google Cloud Platform offers characteristics such as:

  • Customization of machine types with various RAM, HDD, and processor configurations.
  • In-place resizing of discs without affecting service.
  • Pre-installed tools for managing a broad range of operations.
  • Two hosting options – Compute Engine (IaaS) and App Engine (PaaS).

Q67. What typical applications does the Google Cloud Platform serve?

A. The Google Cloud Platform is suitable for various tasks, including:

  • Database management
  • Website and application development
  • Hosting.

Q68. How do AWS and GCP differ from one another?

A. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a combination of Google’s publicly available cloud computing services and assets, while Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure cloud service developed and managed by Amazon. While AWS offers Amazon Simple Storage Services, GCP provides Google Cloud Storage.

Q69. What kinds of security features can be found on the cloud?

A. Key security features found in the cloud include:

  • Identity Management: Facilitating service application approval.
  • Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that only verified and authorized users can access apps and data.

Q70. What are the different types of cloud architecture components?

A. The essential components of cloud computing architecture are:

  • Front-end system
  • Back-end platform delivery via the cloud.

Q71. Explain the different types of software as a service (SaaS) offerings.

A. There are two distinct categories of SaaS:

  • Single-Tenant Multi-Tenancy:

Allows exclusive resources not shared with others.

  • Fine-Grained Multi-Tenancy:

Resources are shared by multiple tenants while functionalities remain constant.

Q72. Explain how the API works in the cloud domain?

A. APIs in the cloud domain operate by:

  • Allowing the creation of specific program components.
  • Facilitating the simple transfer of data between applications.
  • Simplifying app creation and integration with cloud services.
  • Providing a secure linkage between two applications.

Q73. Explain the distinction between cloud computing's elasticity and scalability.

A. Scalability:

Refers to the ability to handle increased workloads by expanding the number of servers or creating space on existing ones.

  • Elasticity:

Involves the capability to add or remove virtual machines as needed, optimizing resource usage and saving costs.

Q74. Define the various accounts for services?

A. Service accounts are project-related special accounts used to provide access to non-sensitive data and authorize Google Compute Engine to perform operations on behalf of the user.

Q75. How familiar are you with the Google Cloud SDK?

A. The Google Cloud Software Development Kit (SDK) provides developers with tools for interacting with services and data based on the Google Cloud Platform. It includes three distinct command line utilities: gcloud, gsutil, and BQ, and is compatible with specific operating systems and Python versions.

Q76. Describe the Google Cloud Platform's principal elements.

A. Key components of GCP include:

  • Kubernetes container orchestration system and Google App Engine for data processing.
  • Various networking components like cloud firewalls and virtual private clouds (VPCs).
  • Database and storage systems.
  • Big data components.
  • Management tools like debugger, logger, and tracer.
  • Cloud IAM and Cloud Identity for cloud identity management.
  • Effective and skilled equipment.
  • Container builder and cloud-based testing lab for programmers.

Q77. Describe the Google Cloud Platform's principal elements.

A. Key components of GCP include:

  • Kubernetes container orchestration system and Google App Engine for data processing.
  • Various networking components like cloud firewalls and virtual private clouds (VPCs).
  • Database and storage systems.
  • Big data components.
  • Management tools like debugger, logger, and tracer.
  • Cloud IAM and Cloud Identity for cloud identity management.
  • Effective and skilled equipment.
  • Container builder and cloud-based testing lab for programmers.

Q78. How does the cloud facilitate on-demand capabilities?

A. Cloud computing facilitates on-demand functionality, allowing users to access and utilize resources whenever and wherever needed. With services like Google Cloud, users can access their cloud-stored files from any device, at any time, and from anywhere globally.

Q79. Define the GCP cloud pricing model?

A. The GCP cloud pricing model involves various components such as Azure AD, which stands for Azure Active Directory. It is a cloud-based identity and access management service that helps manage Azure resources. Azure subscriptions are associated with Azure Active Directory instances.

Q80. Define the Google Cloud Platform cloud storage libraries and tools?

A. Google Cloud Platform’s cloud storage utilizes JSON API and XML API, with services including:

  • Google Cloud Platform Console for basic bucket and object operations.
  • Cloud storage client libraries in multiple languages.
  • Gustily Command-line Tool as a cloud storage command-line interface.

Q81. What is the meaning of "Managed VMs" in the context of GCP?

A. Managed VMs in GCP refer to virtual machines where Google manages the infrastructure, including the host operating system, virtualization layer, and hardware. This approach simplifies workflow and allows developers to focus on application development and deployment.

Q82. Define the distinction between PaaS and IaaS?

A. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service):

Provides access to a virtualized computing environment, including storage, networking, and servers.

  • PaaS (Platform as a Service):

Provides access to a platform for testing, building, and deploying applications, handling much of the infrastructure behind apps.

Q83. Define GCP autoscaling?

A. GCP autoscaling is supported by managed instance groups, allowing automatic scaling based on factors like CPU usage. It simplifies resource management and optimizes performance.

Q84. Define the purpose of a Google Cloud Storage bucket?

A. A Google Cloud Storage bucket is a simple container for storing data. Everything in Cloud Storage must be placed in a bucket, acting as a fundamental organizational unit for data storage.

Q85. What are the Google Cloud APIs?

A. Google Cloud APIs facilitate communication and integration between multiple Google services and third-party applications. They act as intermediaries, allowing end users to access cloud-based resources and applications.

Q86. Define the similarities and differences between Google Compute Engine and Google App Engine?

A. Google Compute Engine (GCE):

IaaS offering for virtual machines, and infrastructure management.

  • Google App Engine:

PaaS offers for websites, mobile backends, and application hosting.

Powers websites and mobile backends, simplifying the development process.

Q87. How Can You Ensure the Security of Your GCP Resources?

A. Securing GCP resources involves implementing access control through Identity and Access Management (IAM), utilizing Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP), configuring firewall rules, and implementing encryption for data at rest and in transit.

Q88. How Do You Set Up Automatic Backups for a Google Cloud SQL Database?

A. To configure automated backups for a Cloud SQL database, you can adjust the backup retention period and enable automatic backups either through the console or by using Google Cloud commands.

Q89. What Is the Role of Cloud CDN in GCP?

A. Cloud CDN is a content delivery network service designed to accelerate the delivery of web content, reducing latency and improving page load times for users.

Q90. What Exactly Is Cloud Pub/Sub and How Does It Operate?

A. Cloud Pub/Sub is a messaging service that facilitates the development of event-driven systems. It allows asynchronous communication of messages between independent applications.

Q91. Describe the Purpose of Google Cloud Functions in GCP.

A. Google Cloud Functions is a serverless computing service that executes code in response to events without the need to manage servers. It is designed for lightweight, event-driven workloads. An example of deploying a Cloud Function is as follows:

–runtime=nodejs16 –trigger-HTTP google cloud functions deploy my-function.

Q92. How Do You Manage and Monitor GCP Resources?

A. To manage and monitor GCP resources, you can use Stackdriver, which offers monitoring, logging, and diagnostics for GCP applications. It provides insights into the performance and health of your applications.

Q93. What Is Dialogflow, and How Does It Operate?

A. Dialogflow is a natural language understanding platform that allows the creation and integration of conversational user interfaces into applications. It is commonly used for building chatbots and virtual assistants.

Q94. Explain the Purpose of Google Cloud Functions in GCP.

A. Google Cloud Functions is a serverless computing service enabling the execution of code in response to events without server management. It is designed for event-driven, lightweight workloads.

Q95. What Is Bigtable, and When Is It a Suitable Choice for Data Storage?

A. Bigtable is a NoSQL database with numerous columns, suitable for applications requiring high-throughput and low-latency access to large amounts of semi-structured data.

Q96. Elaborate on the Role of Google Cloud Functions in GCP.

A. Google Cloud Functions is a serverless computing service that executes code in response to events without server management. It is designed for event-driven, lightweight workloads.

Q97. What Binary Authorization refers to in Google Cloud?

A. Binary Authorization in Google Cloud is a security feature designed to enhance the control and integrity of containerized applications within Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). It provides a policy enforcement layer for container images, ensuring that only signed and authorized images can be deployed.

Q98. What are the key features of Binary Authorization?

A. Key features of Binary Authorization include:

  • Image Signing: Binary Authorization requires that container images are signed using cryptographic signatures. This ensures that the image’s origin is verified and hasn’t been tampered with.
  • Policy Enforcement: Organizations can define policies specifying which container images are allowed to be deployed in their environment. These policies are enforced before allowing images to run on GKE clusters.
  • Integration with CI/CD Pipelines: Binary Authorization integrates with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, ensuring that only signed images meeting the defined policies are pushed to the container registry.
  • Attestations: Images are attested to confirm their adherence to policies. Attestations serve as proof that an image has been signed and meets the security requirements.

Q99. What Google Cloud Machine images are?

A. Google Cloud Machine Images are a mechanism for creating and managing custom images in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). These images serve as a template for creating virtual machines (VMs) in the Compute Engine. Machine Images capture the entire state of a VM, including the operating system, application configurations, and any additional software installed.

Q100. What are the key features of Google Cloud Machine Images?

A. Key features of Google Cloud Machine Images include:

  • Customization: Users can create customized VM instances with specific configurations, software installations, and settings. These configurations are saved in a Machine Image.
  • Reusability: Once a Machine Image is created, it can be reused to launch multiple VM instances with the same configuration. This streamlines the process of deploying consistent environments.
  • Versioning: Machine Images support versioning, allowing users to manage different iterations of a custom image. This is beneficial for tracking changes and rolling back to a previous state if needed.
  • Image Families: Images can be organized into families, enabling users to group related versions. This simplifies the process of selecting the desired image when launching VM instances.
  • Integration with Other GCP Services: Google Cloud Machine Images integrates seamlessly with other GCP services, making them a foundational component for scalable and repeatable infrastructure deployments.

GCP Interview Questions and Answers related to Processes and Actions

Q101. Explain how to view past transactions in GCP.

A. Here are the following steps for viewing past transactions in the Google Cloud Platform:

  • Signing into the GCP console
  • Navigating to the left pane and selecting billing
  • Selecting the go-to linked billing account option
  • Navigating to transactions

Q102. What if you accidentally delete an instance, would you be able to retrieve it?

A. No, Deleted instances cannot be recovered. However, in situations where engineers have merely stopped an instance, restarting it is a feasible option.

Q103. Explain how you would differentiate between project numbers and IDs.

A. Cloud engineers should understand that while they can choose a project name, the project ID is automatically assigned by the console.

Q104. Which approach would you employ to generate service accounts in Google Cloud?

A. In response to this GCP interview question, candidates may elaborate on the process of automatically creating service accounts through Google Compute Engine.

Q105. How would you store applications, software, and drivers without relying on hardware?

A. In the context of cloud computing, the need for magnetic disks or storage devices is eliminated. They might explain that engineers can store applications by uploading data to cloud computing services, and the data will persist in the cloud until modifications are made.

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